JEMS 75th Anniversary
Mount Hermon 2024

Morning Sessions:  Greg Mah
God is good? All the time! And all the time? God is good!             

Monday AM (7/1) - Finding Rest in the midst of Busyness and Hurry

Tuesday AM (7/2) - If God is So Good, Why is there Suffering and Evil?

Wednesday AM (7/3) - If God is So Good, Why aren't All Our Prayers Answered?

Thursday AM (7/4) - If God is So Good, Why did He Leave? (The personal ministry of the Holy Spirit)

Friday AM (7/5) - If God is So Good, then Get Out!

Evening Sessions:  Rene Schlaepfer

Monday PM (7/1) - The Importance of Love - especially in ministry (1 Cor 13)

Tuesday PM (7/2) - Love is Patient (Five Secrets of Patient People)

Wednesday PM (7/3) - Love is Kind (Why be kind? How can I be kind?)

Thursday PM (7/4) - The Language of Love (1 Cor 13:7)

Friday PM (7/5) -  What Really Matters (1 Cor 13:8-13)

50th Anniversary of Special Camp

Special Camp 2024 final 2-19-24.MOV

JEMS 75th Special Feature

"Special Camp's 50th Anniversary

A Place at the Table of the King

Friday AM Day Care Sharing

Child Care Sharing - Friday 7/5/24

Friday AM Day Camp Sharing

Day Camp Sharing - Friday 7/5/24

Friday AM Worship Choir

Worship Choir - Friday 7/5/24

Friday Night Delight

Friday Night Delight - 7/5/24

75th Anniversary Highlights Slide Show

75th Anniversary Slide Show - 7/5/24

The JEMS Mount Hermon Blessing (from the 2020 Virtual JEMS Mount Hermon Conference)

The JEMS Mount Hermon Blessing