
Cory Ishida:  Oneness in Marriage.  The Great Mystery   

 The Apostle Paul wrote that “the two shall become one” in Ephesians and then followed those words by writing, “This mystery is great”. How are couples supposed to have the unity of oneness when it has been declared a mystery?

Mystery is a common word in the New Testament and typically means what was hidden, concealed, or unclear in the past, but now has been revealed in light of Christ’s coming and his gospel.

This seminar will attempt to shed some light on how couples can maintain unity of heart and mind in light of the mystery of marriage.

Wayne Ogimachi:  Wandering Toward God in the Midst of Doubt

Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith—they keep it alive and growing.” We think of faith and doubt as opposites, but they are not. Here’s a seminar for anyone who has ever prayed or thought, “I do believe; help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24) Doubt is no reason to leave the faith—it’s an invitation to a deeper, more honest faith. Doubters are welcome, as well as anyone walking alongside one.

Kevin Hayashida:  Half-time Adjustments

For ambitious strivers, the first half of life can be characterized by hard work, personal sacrifice and single-minded focus. This works until it doesn't. Many strivers begin to notice that second half of life seems to be governed by different rules. What does success and deep purpose look like as we age? And how do we find it?  In our time we’ll discuss how to avoid a midlife crisis and rethink our purpose and perspective on the second half of life.

Ryan and Kerri Narasaki:  The Heart and Hope of Parenting

Parenting is tough!  If you’re feeling discouraged, frustrated or sometimes as if you’re running out of hope in your role as a parent, come join us to gain a fresh perspective.  We’ll look at what the Bible says about the root of our parenting struggles, the solutions the gospel offers and practical ways to build a firm foundation for our families.


Pat Zukeran:  Worldviews:  Which One is True?     

Your worldview provides the foundation and framework through which you view and interpret the world around you. A worldview affects every facet of your life and every area of culture and lies at the foundation of all belief systems. In order to see the world properly, we must have the correct worldview. This seminar will teach you about the Christian worldview and various worldviews that stand against it. Understanding your faith in Christ and the world around you begins with worldviews.

Pat Zukeran:  Why Do the Nations Rage?                 

Israel is engaged in another war against Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and other Islamic nations. Why do so many nations seek the destruction of Israel? Many believe the issues are political, religious or territorial. Although these are relevant factors, there is another even more powerful force at work. Discover what lies at the heart of the current war and its connection with biblical prophecy.

Rev. Dr. Rick Chuman: Jesus to Every Japanese, Jesus Everyday.  What is God Doing in Japan?

For over half a century, the percentage of Japanese Christians is still less than 1%.  But things appear to be changing.  Come and find out some exciting things the Lord of the Harvest is doing amongst the Japanese, what JEMS is doing and what role you can play to help reach the remaining 99%.

Kenny Wada:  My Hope is Only Jesus   

Nobody likes feeling weak.  Not physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or otherwise.  Yet it is through our weaknesses that we come to know the power of Christ.  Could our refusal or fear of facing our weaknesses be the barrier that keeps us spiritually stuck, blocking significant transformational change in our lives.  Come meet/hear Kenny Wada, our new JEMS Co-Executive Director of Domestic Missions share about how confronting your vulnerabilities, sins and limitations daily can cultivate a deep, unwavering faith in Jesus, filled with peace and abundant hope.  “For when I am weak, then I am strong.”  2 Corinthians 12:10.


Bethany Chang:  The Blessing of Determined Obedience

As disciples of Jesus, we are all called to faithful obedience, no matter what.  But this is often something we know in our heads but struggle to live out in our everyday lives.  Is the Lord inviting you to do something you’re not sure you want to do?  Perhaps you have been resisting saying “Yes” to Jesus because you fear it will be too costly.  Or maybe you were “all in” but have grown weary in the good work God has called you to?  Join us as we share about the blessing and faithfulness of God we have experienced in encouraging, empowering and equipping us in our journey of foster care.  We pray the Word of God and the word of our testimony will spur our JEMS family on toward love and good deeds and be a balm and encouragement to any weary souls.

Bob and Gail Kaku:  Trusting God With Our Finances; It Doesn’t Make Sense   

Trusting God with our finances is a challenge common to us all.  Through the years we have personally experienced how Jesus cares about every aspect of our lives, including our finances.  We have seen the Lord meet all of our needs as our Provider as we have followed his lead.  We are excited to share our story of learning to trust God with our money, what worked and didn't work.  We'll take a look at what God's Word says and how to apply those principles.  Amazing things begin to happen when we apply biblical principles. 


Tommy Dyo:   Evangelism Approaches:  How to Initiate Spiritual Conversations That Lead to Sharing Your Faith

 I'm not a fan of awkward, clunky, disingenuous, or confrontational evangelism styles. Thankfully, we've discovered some innovative evangelism tools that resonate with our cultural context. This seminar will delve into biblical, contextual, and practical approaches to evangelism, including strategies for initiating genuine spiritual conversations that naturally lead to conversations about the Gospel. We'll explore a diverse range of tools tailored for reaching Asian Americans for Christ.
Let's discover together how these approaches can help overcome barriers to sharing our faith.

David Cheng:  Be Anxious for Nothing; Fear Knot, Fear Not

Anxiety disorders among teens and young adults are at an all time high.  Let’s learn how to recognize some of the contributing factors and discover how “connection” to God, church and family can be our most effective spiritual weapon against this malady of the soul.

Scott Shimada:  Open Doors, Open Hearts     

The world often portrays Christians as hypocrites, bigots, wimps and weirdos.  How can we change this narrative?  We will take a look at the powerful gift of hospitality, how opening our own doors to help people to feel seen and loved can be used to open the doors of people’s hearts toward Christ.  Come hear Scott Shimada share about his vision and hopes for JEMS  as he steps into this new role as director of Sports Ministry and Outreach.